Raising Capital in Calgary: Navigating Funding Options for Your Business

Securing funding is a critical step in the growth of any business. In Calgary, a city that’s increasingly making its mark as a vibrant startup hub, entrepreneurs have a range of options to raise capital. This blog post will guide you through the various funding avenues available in Calgary to help your business thrive.

1. Self-Funding

Also known as bootstrapping, self-funding is often the first step for many entrepreneurs. This involves funding your business venture with personal savings or revenue from the business. While challenging, self-funding allows you to retain full control of your business.

2. Banks and Traditional Lenders

Calgary’s financial sector is robust, with national and regional banks, credit unions, and other traditional lenders providing various business loans. However, securing such loans typically requires a solid business plan, good credit history, and often, collateral.

3. Venture Capital

With its burgeoning startup scene, Calgary has attracted a number of venture capital (VC) firms. VCs provide funding in exchange for equity in your business, often bringing valuable expertise and mentorship. Local VC firms like Avrio Capital, Inovia Capital, and Relay Ventures have made significant investments in Calgary businesses.

4. Angel Investors

Angel investors are individuals who invest their own money into promising startups, typically in exchange for equity. Organizations such as the Calgary Angel Network can provide connections to such investors.

5. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding platforms allow entrepreneurs to raise small amounts of money from a large number of people, usually via the internet. Successful crowdfunding often hinges on a compelling story and a strong online presence.

6. Government Grants and Programs

Various governmental organizations offer grants, loans, and programs to support businesses, particularly in areas like technology and innovation. The Alberta Innovates program, for instance, offers funding and support to tech startups.

7. Business Incubators and Accelerators

Business incubators and accelerators often provide funding, mentorship, workspace, and resources for early-stage companies. Calgary is home to several such entities, including Innovate Calgary and The Accelerator.


Securing funding is a key part of the entrepreneurial journey. In Calgary, a city characterized by its dynamic business scene and supportive startup ecosystem, entrepreneurs have a variety of funding avenues to explore. Whether it’s through self-funding, traditional lending, venture capital, or other sources, the vital capital to kickstart or grow your business is within reach.